Charter Trips

** 30% or more Deposit required when reserving a spot, and full payment due 30 days prior to departure date or your spot may be filled by next angler in waiting list.
** If you fail to pay the balance before 30 DAYS PRIOR to departure date, your deposit is not refundable unless your spot is filled by you or by shop.
** Any cancellations after 30 days prior to departure date is your responsibility. No refunds after 30 days prior to departure date.
** CASH PLEASE due to high Debit/Credit Card Fees! Cards will be accepted for payment but a 3% Fee will be charged upon payment. NO CHECKS will be accepted!
** In Case there is any sudden changes on the trip plan due to boat's condition or weather, the Information on this page will be changed immediately, and customers who signed up for trip will be notified right away!